Monday, November 4, 2019

Reasons why to have a slim and healthy body

There are many reasons why people want a slim and fit body to remain healthy.  People who are slim have longer life that obese people as obesity produces more hormones which are not beneficial like leptin and estrogen which is one the reasons of tumor and cancer.  By reducing excess weight, you can reduce the chances of other illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, heart, and stroke due to blood clog.  The risk of having inflamed knee is also possible due to obesity. Excess weight can also cause breathing problem when sleeping because the fat could push the throat making it difficult to breath and when you lose those unwanted weight you can have a healthy breathing.

Obesity makes a person lethargic and leaves them with no energy to do their daily chores as studies indicate that people with a large waistline have reduced muscle strength while people who are slim have more energy to carry on their daily activities.

People who are fat tend to lose their confidence as they feel they will be mocked at and fear facing people while slimmer people have a lot more confidence as they can wear any clothes while choices for an obese person are limited.

An obese woman can have problems with pregnancy and menstruation as it could disturb the normal hormones. When you are healthy you are more stress free while fat people always worry about how to lose their weight.   Hence lose weight in a healthy and safe way -

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