Monday, July 29, 2019

Lose those extra pounds effectively

In   today’s fast paced world where people are so busy that they eat unhealthy food, don’t exercise regularly and do not have a healthy body, it then leads to obesity which can be very harmful to health.  Being overweight and obese leads to millions of people dying with various illnesses associated with it.  The main causes of obesity are bad eating habits like, eating excess fast foods rich in calories and sedentary lifestyle. Stress, anxiety and depression can also lead to obesity. Intake of contraceptive pills by women can also increase their body weight and in some cases, it can be   inherited.  

The ideal body weight of a person depends on his gender, age and height and this specific body weight is called ideal body weight. Obesity occurs when a person’s body weight is more than 20% of his ideal body weight. Obesity is divided into three categories, mild obesity (20%-40% more than ideal body weight), moderate obesity (40%-100%), and morbid obesity-if the body weight is more than 100% which can be fatal as it can lead to death. The symptoms of obesity are arthritis, increase in cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, skin disorders to name a few.

Today people are aware of the ill effects of being obese and now they are trying various remedies to lose weight and remain fit.  Natural supplements are a boon for people suffering from obesity as it is very effective and gives the desired result in a short span of time. It is made up of herbs that burn fat deposits by boosting up lipid metabolism in the body. It contains very effective digestives and diuretics that remove wastes and non-beneficial by-products of metabolism and rejuvenates the body by controlling excess body weight efficiently without giving any side-effects.

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