Friday, September 10, 2010

Get rid of your unwanted fat in a healthy natural way

A perfect body promotes a healthy appearance. Overweight issue is the major concern for most of the people and leads to many health problems like failure of immune system, fatigue and other major diseases. Being overweight not only makes you vulnerable to all sorts of diseases, but affects your self-esteem and confidence.
We all dream of an ideal body weight and a good muscle mass. Gaining lean muscle weight is not so easy for most men and women. If your calorie intake exceeds your required level, the extra calories get stored on your body as fat.

Factors that influence weight gain include:
Genetics - Genes decide the body functions. Around 25-30% of obesity cases are due to genetical problems
Culture - Food culture is hugely influenced by the availability of ingredients in that region and the medium used to cook the food. Therefore using calorie rich cooking mediums often lead to obesity.
Emotional and psychological factors - Most of the people rely on food when psychological problems seem to bother them. The gluttonic food consumption often contributes to obesity.
Gender - Men have more muscles than women. Muscles burn more calories whereas women tend to gain weight because they don’t have muscles.
Age - Age also slows down the metabolism. So less fat is burnt. The fat contributes to flab.
High calorie diet - High calorie diets often contributes to obesity. Hectic lifestyle often lives less time for exercise.
Medicinal reactions - Even the use of certain synthetic drugs are found to trigger obesity.

If you are thinking of reducing your fat and losing weight the natural way, then there is Vitoslim. The ingredients in VitoSlim help in the thermogenic processes letting you burn fat safely as well as naturally. For more details on this weight loss product , visit its website

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