When excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that health may be negatively affected the person is said to be suffering from obesity. Obesity affects lifestyle and leads to diminished self-esteem. One of the major disadvantages of obesity is that the obese are generally looked down upon, made fun of or scorned by many in society. Obesity also causes depressions is some people.
Some causes which ultimately leads to obesity
1. Unhealthy eating habits
2. No exercise
3. Unhealthy lifestyle
4. Overeating
5. Imbalance in the intake and expenditure of energy
According to the predictions of the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of overweight adults is set to rise to 2.3 billion by 2015.
Below are listed some of the nations which report large overweight people.
• United States of America- 32.2%
• United Kingdom - 24.2%
• Nauru- 78.5%
• Tonga- 56.0%
• Saudi Arabia- 35.6%
• United Arab Emirates - 33.7%
Obesity is quite rampant in developed nations. It is very important that we control our weight before it gets out of our hands. VitoSlim aims to help every person who is overweight whether young or old to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. VitoSlim is 100% all natural. For more information visit www.vitoslim.com